- 德国威卡WIKA压力计 AC-1压力传感器
德国威卡WIKA AC-1压力传感器 制冷和暖通行业的压力变送器
left: M12x1, 7/16-20 UNF 2-A
德国威卡WIKA AC-1压力传感器 制冷和暖通行业的压力变送器
地址: 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街18楼223室
邮编: 100027
应用于制冷和暖通行业的压力变送器型号:AC-1应 用CompressorsCondensersWater coolers特别功能Wetted parts of brass, CR70 (chloroprene) and ceramicResistant against the most important refrigerantsSpecial design for the best possible condensation tightnessExcellent price/ performance ratio
left: M12x1, 7/16-20 UNF 2-A详 细Pressure ranges -1/0 … 6 bar up to -1/0 … 60 bar relative Accuracy ≤ 2 % Signal outputs 4 ... 20 mA 0 ... 10 V 0.5 ... 4.5 V ratio metric Process connections 7/16-20 UNF 90° Cold cone, 7/16-20 UNF female Schrader G 1/4 B 1/4 NPT, 1/8 NPT Electrical connections Delphi Metri Pack 150; M12x1; cable with flying leads -